Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Hi All,
Surprised with the title of Life ho to aisee !! Any guess why ? No.. OK here it goes. Rainy season is very good for trekking purpose and you all know that the rain this year in Maharashtra was very poor, which resulted in the reduction of trekking . So no trekking and no photos. Hence the title this time. I was eagerly waiting for the rain. You can see this eagerness through my title on the gmail chat. There is a famous song in Marathi from Sandeep and Salil. So I put a sarcastic one as my title.
So what happened then in this month.. nothing.. is it possible?? NO.
This month, I visited Kolhapur to attend my BIL's engagement. He got engaged with Dr. Manasi Vaidya on 11st. Sunday (13th) I and Anagha went to Jotiba. It was a small trek of around 1 hr. Jotiba is a famous holy place in western Maharashtra. This is the only activity as far as trekking is concerned.
Eagerly waiting for your valuable suggestions/comments as usual. It inspired me to write more and more. See you next time. Till then stay tuned.
Mahesh Masurkar
Forthcoming attraction:- HISTORY REPEATED AFTER 12 YRS

1 comment:

Unknown said...

After Rajmachi trek you should change your title. Now I am waiting for Blog on our Rajmachi Trek.