Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Coding, decoding & I

Shocked to read the title.. You might have thought .. whats this? An analyst doing coding rather than doing his regular analysis stuff. Yes..thats true. I was doing some coding after a long long time. I am little familiar with C & C++. This time I chose Python to work with as it offers great tools which I require this time.

We were in need of a code, which will reduce our work. Sneha and I started working on the same. She chose to work on C while I chose Python. (though we both used the same logic in writing the code !!) Recently, my colleague, Narsimloo did one code in Python and he helped me to start with. This was really a wonderful experience doing something new after a long time.

This is a small utility (called ProE Export Utility) to convert the output from ProE in Star CD format. I later enhanced it so as to export to Nastran format as well. It was fun learning the new language and doing programming. Obviously, google helped a lot when it comes to debugging or enhancing the code. Now the code is secured as well and nobody can use it without my permission. I own the copyright of the same. (Not going to sell it.. just for fun !!)

The next thing to be done is to give the code a good graphical look and a nice icon.
Hopefully, I will complete it very soon.

Thanks to Sneha, Narsimloo, Jayat and Bob for their help and encouragement in this small journey.

- Mahesh Masurkar

1 comment:

Nilesh said...

You should open source the code.
Choose LGPL license so that it can be used it for commercial software as well. And you can make some $$ :)