Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Goech La Trek: Day 10

Day 10
Tuesday 9 May 2017
Tsoka (9685 ft) to Yuksom via Sachen
Distance travelled: 12.7 kms

Packed lunch ready to carry
Today was the last day of our trek. After the breakfast (umapa and pasta), we started from Tsoka at 7:55 am. We crossed Bhakim within an hour, and started further. (video) Another 1 hour of descent and we reached the iron bridge at Prek Chu river. We stopped here to take a bite of energy bar, had a chitchat with 2 groups heading towards Tsoka and resumed our journey. 
View from the bridge (video)
Rain started pouring soon after crossing the bridge. Shital, Sheetal, Brahma and I were together now. We quickly put on the poncho. With every descent, we were getting more comfortable due to increase in oxygen levels. We were at Sachen campsite in next 30 minutes. Shital decided to wait here with Pratik for Brahma and Sheetal. It was only 10:30 in the clock, not a good time for lunch. Hence I started my walk towards Yuksom. This entire trail, I was again alone enjoying the beautiful nature around. 
20 minutes before Yuksom, I took a break to take a bite from my lunch box.
After reaching the hotel
          After reaching the hotel, I concluded the trek by first removing the shoes (and the ever stinking socks) before entering the room. My roomies (Atul, Vinit and Viraj) were already freshened up and it was my time now. What an awesome feeling of taking a bath (and changing clothes) after 9 days. I tried to finish by lunch, but the attempt was not completely successful. Internet connectivity helped us to contact more well-wishers!. Slowly one by one, the team members started joining us at the hotel.

After some rest, we decided to roam around the Yuksom town. The view of the small town in lush green mountains was awesome. We got a well trained guide in terms of Ishani. She suggested 2 options - visit the local market and Gupta's shop or visit the Dubdi Monastery. 
We chose the later one and marched towards it. Samip and Suhas returned back saying thay are not interested in walking. (These gentlemen understood it very early). Initially it looked like an easy walk, but it took close to 40 mins to reach there. Dubdi Monastery is a very old one. After the visit and photography, we traced back our route to reach the hotel for a cup of tea. Some of us experienced the silent kiss from litches on the way.

@ Dubdi Monastery


Evening party was a lively one with the attraction called Tongba. Its a local drink made up of barly and other grains. Just pour the hot water and enjoy the drink. Feedback session was more interesting (and open) due to Tongba effect. Everyone shared their experiences and wished to do more Himalayan treks in future. We enjoyed Tashi's superb food one more time (or the last time in this trek). With all these beautiful memories, we went back to our rooms to catch up Mt. Kanchenjunga again in dreams!

My stats for the day:
Pulse: 77.  O2: 97.  Breathing rate: 15

Garmin details:
Tsoka to Yuksom
